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English Portfolio
Alba Sánche Suárez

The project was due on December 13.
Our movie title is "It's not my fault"
This activity is about working as a team, focusing on one topic and talking about it.
I liked this work but I would like to have more time for these activities.

It was January 17.
The writing was about a film called Ghost Ship.
I had to watch a video and make a summary.
I found it interesting and it was useful to practice for the exam.

The date was March 6.
Its title is "Going to" "Will be"
It was about drawing a picture in the middle of the paper about the future and then explaining the two uses.
I think it was a helpful activity to learn it better.
Its date is March 16.
Its title is "My house in the sea"
You have to explain what your house would be like underwater.
I find it a very interesting assignment in which you learn many things.
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